Before & After Care


~NO BOTOX near the eyebrows for 90 days prior to an eyebrow appointment! She needs to work on natural canvas.
Botox can slightly alter the area, so when she draws perfect eyebrows on an altered canvas, then as the Botox fades, your eyebrows will no longer be perfect.
~NO FILLER in the lips or around the mouth for 4 months, prior to the lip color for the exact same reason.
~No lash extensions present on day of appt, can be reapplied 2 weeks later
~Stop any lash growth product 3 weeks prior to appt, can resume 2 weeks later
~No spray tan for 2 weeks prior, can spray tan 2 weeks after
~No sunburn  present, NO sun for 7 days afterward, sunscreen thereafter.
~No profuse sweating for 7 days after. ( no salt from sweat on healing procedure )



You will be given a sterile sample of Vitamin A&D to use on the healing skin, Apply 3-5 times a day for 5-7 days.

During this 5 day period your permanent make-up will look very defined and dark! You will see potential right away, but feel it’s too dark for an everyday look. This is a good thing, if you leave loving it, it will be far too light by the 7th day. So it is important you leave feeling this way.  It is not called “down time” but rather “dark time”.

The treated skin may weep a bit of serous fluid (same fluid in a blister)  This is normal and can be gently blotted away with a dampened 4×4, which will be supplied.

A flaky film will form over the healing skin. Please do not pick, it will naturally flake off between the 5th-7th day.  Avoid getting any products on the healing skin, like make-up, sunscreen, moisturizers, chlorine, etc…

Absolutely NO sun for 7 days!!!! (you may wear a headband to cover the brows completely, sunglasses for eyeliner, mask for lip color)  Sunscreen beginning on day 8.

Mild bruising is normal for the eyeliner, concealer on bruising is fine.

Use your headache meds for any discomfort during the healing.

You will lose 30% of your color by the end of the first week!

Colors continue to soften and settle for up to a month.

The second hair stroke  application for the eyebrows will be scheduled at the original appointment (4 weeks to 4 months later)